Okay, I'm departing from my light literary tone to go off on you. Perhaps it has to do with weaning myself from my pain meds but I have NO patience.
A pastor in my old home town of Phoenix/Tempe had a death prayer list and spoke fiercely about why Obama should die for his support of a woman's right to terminate her own pregnancy and for his health care agenda. Here's a video clip of the news covering this man's speech from the pulpit of a Baptist church from CNN. news video of shrieking pastor's sermon.
A few days after the speech, one of this so-called Christian man's congregation showed up to Obama's speech carrying an assault weapon. My point. Why isn't this pastor and the congregant in jail for threatening the life of an Amercian president? I can tell you one thing. If he was an Imam who said he wished the president were dead, and someone from his mosque showed up with an assault rifle, dollars to donuts, both of those guys would be sitting in a cell trying to tranlate "Don't bend over to pick up the soap" into Arabic at this very moment.
What really alarms me is how insane these people are. They have demonized the Democrats, and worse, they've appropriated the teachings of Jesus Christ to do so. How dare they? I haven't really been so sure a loving God would create something like Hell before, but it's tempting to hope anyone so blindly stupid as to misinterpret Christian teachings so radically would be sent there for at least long enough to realize how wrong they got it. My mother was raised a Baptist. She would later convert to Catholicism when she married my father. I went to Catholic schools all my life. The message I was taught was simple. Love they neighbor as thy self. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Turn the other cheek. Need I go on?
Seriously folks, stupidity on this level is downright dangerous. I respect your right to quote the Bible, but not to get it so incredibly wrong, or to "cherry pick" those sections that let you justify your own hatred. I'll never forget a mom who volunteered in the same Phoenix kindergarten class as I did, telling me she wouldn't let the boy next door play with her children because his parents were gay. She said, and I quote, "I talked to my husband about it and he said, God didn't mean you really have to love your neighbor. That's not what He meant."
I was speechless, and also afraid that if I spoke up, she'd excommunicate my own son from her family's home. By the time I got my words (and courage) together, another mom (a devout Christian) had said, "I know some very nice gay people." I added, "I think, actually, the Bible does mean you're supposed to treat your neighbor as you'd wish to be treated."
Calm down, people!. Barack Obama is not the devil. Nor is the government. What happens to your patriotism when your party loses an election?
And, while we're at it, the Bible says a lot of things that you might want to take with a grain of salt, as this next link, a letter someone sent to me on Facebook, demonstrates. It's very funny and called, Why Can't I Own A Canadian?
My point? Do NOT BE SO AFRAID OF CHANGE IT MAKES YOU WANT TO GO OUT AND KILL SOMEONE! If you really want to commit acts of violence to defend your country, ENLIST. Seriously. MAN UP! I may have my doubts about how active God is in our daily lives, but I have no doubt at all that if Jesus Christ were on earth today, he'd want every American to have access to a doctor when they got sick. And remember. Government is not the boogey-man. Don't be so selective that you forget the other things government does in your lives. If you've ever called 911, you've asked the government for help. If you've ever honored a veteran (I'm the proud daughter of a WW II fighter pilot) or enrolled your child in a public school or driven on a highway, you've participated in a government program. Besides, as we might have all predicted, Max Bauchus' bill doesn't even include a public option. (Does anyone else think it's strange that two of his top aides are former lobbyists for the health insurance industry?)
Anyhow folks. Take a chill pill. And maybe don't accept everything you hear from a man of the cloth just because he claims to be a minister. So was Jim Jones, and at least his followers only killed themselves..