I haven't read Lauren Barnholdt's REALITY CHICK but TeenPeople says it's a "can't miss pick" which the rest of us on the Girlfriend's Cyber Circuit might kill for were we not the peacemaking affliative sorts that should be running the world. Okay, I take it back. Much as I am appalled by what our fearless (okay, maybe brainless, gutless and soul-less) leaders are up to, I know that I'd be everyone's worst nightmare. I'd be Ivan the Terrible meets Glenda The Good Witch. Snap my fingers and every HUMMER is transformed into a Prius, every Walmart is a Thousand Points of Light Community Center with free day care, arts classes, organic gardens and exercise facilities wherein the treadmills feed power back to the energy grid.and so forth and so on until you're screaming to put the snowmobiles back into the Grand Canyon and SOON. But I digress. The subject today is Lauren's book, in which the protagonist goes off to college having made a pact with the devil (or maybe just E HOLLYWOOD channel) to allow her every freshman moment filmed for the world to see.
REALITY CHICK by Lauren Barnholdt
All hour study fests.....all-night parties....
Going away to college means total independence and freedom. Unless of
course your freshman year is taped and televised for all the world to
watch. On uncensored cable.
Sweet and normal Ally Cavanaugh is one of five freshpeople shacking up
on In the House, a reality show filmed on her college campus. (As if
school isn't panic-inducing enough!) The cameras stalk her like
paparazzi, but they also capture the fun that is new friends, old
crushes, and learning to live on your own. Sure, the camera adds ten
pounds, but with the freshman fifteen a given anyway, who cares?
Ally's got bigger issues -- like how her long-distance bf can watch her
loopy late-night "episode" with a certain housemate...
Freshman year on film.
It's outrageous.
It's juicy.
And like all good reality TV, it's impossible to turn off.