Shanna Swendson's ONCE UPON STILETTOS is the second in a series that's been characterized as Bridget Jones meets Harry Potter, which seems destined to sell multo copies, a wish we all would very much like to snap our fingers and have happen. Ah, the magic of being able to explain your book by linking it to two other massively successful romps in the imaginative arena. I, in exploring Shanna's website, discovered an article she published called Stealth Geeks - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS. As those who know me well already understand, this sort of article fits my hypochondriachal haj just perfectly. I'm always in search of a new affliction, and Ms. Swendson's description of the syndrome nailed me, right down to the unwillingness to take fashion risks and the floaty ablility to infiltrate both mainstream and eccentric circles with nary a tic.
Her book is just out, one in a series, and for all you magic girls just waiting to find a fantasy venue, here's the place.